May 28, 2012

school for the future of learning

That's the catchy title that Gabriel invented for the energy that a number of the "elders and fellows" (this particular group, a configuration which has closed, is experimenting with letting go of the designation of "elder" and playing with just all being "fellows" now and next) have for exploring our learning about learning together. Together and remotely. In a time-bound container (3 years?) and for our whole lives. From the platform of these particular friendships and collegiality and inviting in more friends and strangers. Right now that possibility seems to be pointing to an online community of practice/discussion and an in-person convening on Whidbey next May.

Concurrently I am writing a proposal for a project for the naturopathic profession and our schools, that would take advantage of the learning about distance and remote and multi-media learning tools that's in the field right now, and translate that specifically into ways of sharing information and skills and exploring the wisdom old and new about naturopathic philosophy and principles of practice.

Here are some pieces that I want to keep track of:

* What are we learning about "the flipped classroom" and "hybrid classrooms" now that they've been around for a bit? and the TED-Ed contribution, plus

* The importance of polymaths, (which led to this interview with Maya Angelou from 2003) plus
*"...the eclectisim of influence necessary for the true originality and the idea that creativity is combining and connecting things...", plus
* how generalists are more important in these times than specialists - people who know how all the pieces fit together - how does the artist contribute to the builder contribute to the psychologist contribute to the engineer to translate ideas into action that changes culture (from Milenko's remarks at the Pomegranate Center breakfast a couple of weeks ago), plus

There's this, too: "It All Turns on Affection"

1 comment:

  1. From Wikipedia: "A polymath (Greek: πολυμαθής, polymathēs, "having learned much") is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas. In less formal terms, a polymath (or polymathic person) may simply be someone who is very knowledgeable. Most ancient scientists were polymaths by today's standards."

    I like that the original root is "having learned much" - because I have *learned* a lot even though I don't recall it all! Though maybe that indicates that I didn't *really* learn it yet...
