I really love this talk (thanks to Joe Brewer for posting it!) given by Dougald Hine at Dalarna University in Sweden, on What is a University For? - about the crises (economic, ecologic, meaning) and "networked disruption" and new kinds of learning spaces that are "alive with curiosity, and not focused on acquiring certificated knowledge," all giving rise to what he calls "the invisible college" - global communities of independent scholars, thinkers, writers, artists.
As I read more about his work, I discovered that this is how we are connected:
Among many other things, Dougald Hine is also co-founder of The Dark Mountain Project, a "network of artists, writers and thinkers in search of new stories for
troubled times. We promote and curate writing, art, music and culture
rooted in place, time and nature." Below is the cover of their second published book.
This cover artwork is by Rima Staines, who writes and illustrates a fantastic blog called The Hermitage. Rima is the dear heart of storyteller, poet, mask maker and apprentice acupuncturist Tom Hirons/Coyopa, whom I admire very much, and whose virtual acquaintance I made through elementally magical Thomas - whom I know in person (and that's how these circles touch the ground finally, I think - with some in-person knowing!)